SUBJECT: Translate the Language Editor to your own language (Very useful when you want to enter translation terms which cannot be done with the MS Sans Serif font or with Right-To-Left terms) * * * * This technical document contains information of how to translate the Language Editor and other dialogs in the TMultLang package. This is useful when you have 3'rd party fonts for a specific language or when you want to enter translations with Right-To-Left scripts like Hebrew. The Language Editor looks for a MULTLANG.INI file in the search path when it is displayed. If it finds the file it looks for the LanguageFile property in the [Default] section and if it exist it tries to load that language file before the dialog is displayed. This enables you to include your own languages and configurations in the Language Editor. You can for example change the font for the Edit Value field or you can select Right-To-Left editing when applicable. First, you will have to bring up the Language Editor in either Design or Run time. Within the Language editor, press the CTRL-ALT-E keys to bring up the Language Editor for the Language Editor. Now you can actually add, remove or configure languages so it fits you well. After all translation work you can save the language by clicking on the 'Save to' button and choose an existing or a new file. Then you can quit this dialog. This file is the one we later put in the MULTLANG.INI initialation file. Here is an example of that file: [Default] LanguageFile=ADDON.LAN That's it, you should now have all your changes next time you will bring up the Language Editor. The Language Editor sets the LanguageFile property of its own TMultLang component in the OnCreate event of the form, according to the filename in the MULTLANG.INI file. This is a very good implementation example to make dynamic support for additional languages, that your agent or distributor can make for you, without to recompile your project. This is a technical paper distributed by the Author of the TMultLang package. If you have any questions please contact him via the address: Patrik Wang E-Mail: Fax: +61 2 3269032 * * * *